Epic Games Inc. is formerly known as Epic Mega Games Inc. It is a video game and software development corporation in America. Basically, it is situated in Cary, North Carolina. The founder of this company is Tim Sweeney. Tim Sweeney founded it in the house of his parents in Potomac. The Potomac is situated in Maryland. ZZT (1991) was the first video game that was released by this company. This company was turned into Epic Mega Games in 1992. Later on, all the headquarters of this company was moved to Cary. These headquarters were moved in 1999. After moving its headquarters to Cary, its name was simplified to Epic Games. The main aim of this company is to develop the Unreal Engines. The main function of these Unreal Engines is to provide power to the video games. According to the Guinness World Records, in 2014, the Unreal Engine of this company was considered as the most powerful engine in order to provide power to the video games.

The history of Epic Games is divided into three important parts. If you are not able to understand the history of Epic Games, then you can get help from expert writers of the academic writing services. In the history of the Epic Games, first of all, there comes Potomac Computer Systems. The founder of these Potomac Computer Systems is Tim Sweeney. He founded it in 1991. At that time, Tim Sweeney was a student of mechanical engineering. Tim Sweeney had a personal computer. He used this computer for the work as well as for the leisure. By working on his personal computer, he developed a game named ZZT. This game was developed in the ZZT-oop programming language. Till now, thousands of copies of the ZZT game are sold. These copies are sold by the Paul Sweeney. Paul Sweeney is the father of Time Sweeney. 
In the second, there comes Epic Mega Games. After the successful development of ZZT video game, Tim Sweeney came into the business of video games. When he came into the business of video games, then he had to come across with Apogee Software and id software. These were the biggest names in the field of video games. In 1992, Sweeney started his business of video games with the name of Epic Mega Games. Soon, he felt that he can’t run this business alone. During these days, he found a business partner Mark Rein. Mark Rein was the software developer in the id software. Till 1998, they have developed a lot of video games like Fire Flight, Unreal, 3D first-person shooter, and much more.
Thirdly, there comes the Epic Games. In 1999, the Epic Mega Games moved their headquarters to the Cary. In the Cary, they changed the name of their company from Epic Mega Games to simply Epic Games. In 2006, this company released an important game under the name of Xbox 360. This is also known as Gear of Wars. In 2008, they released Gears of War2. In 2010, they released Gear of War3. In 2011, they developed their game Fortnite. In 2017-18, they have released Battle Royale game and Fortnite Battle Royale game.